Lutherville, Md
The owners of this house in Lutherville brought to American Contracting an interesting problem.
About this Project
Could we create a custom garage to accommodate their Lamborghini Gallardo sports car? And, can the space also provide storage facilities for the many records necessary to be kept for the owner’s business?
The project was further complicated by the site. The yard was relatively small and the owners had been suffering from a drainage problem for years in the very corner of the yard that would accommodate the new garage.

With the help of the co-owners of American Contracting and the architecture firm of Arch Tech Design, LLC a garage plan was created that not only fit the car but also eliminated the drainage issue that had plagued the owners for years. Meticulous measurements were taken of the car (see the before pictures) to insure the owners could easily open both car doors comfortably when in the garage. Careful planning for the driveway and security fence was also required.
- American Contracting Services, Inc.
- ArchTech Design, LLC
- Stampcrete of Maryland, Inc.
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The new bathroom space required a door-less and curb-less shower, a specially designed toilet and bidet combination along with a sink that would allow for wheelchair access.
The owners purchased their home in Cockeysville in 1984 and raised their two daughters in the home.
The owners of this home purchased the house in 2006. At the south end of the house was a fully enclosed indoor pool that they did not want to keep.